On the morning of September 14, 2024, Ding Aijun, Assistant President of NJU met with the delegation from Sciences Po led by Professor Bertrand Badie at Nanjing University Xianlin campus.

Ding expressed a warm welcome to Professor Badie and the delegation. He briefly introduced the latest developments of NJU, including updates on the Suzhou Campus and advancements in internationalization efforts, area studies, and the Department of French. NJU places great importance on French language teaching and works on strengthening educational, scientific, and cultural collaboration with France, which fosters Sino-French friendship and promotes understanding and mutual learning of diverse cultures. Ding expressed NJU's strong willingness to deepen cooperation with French colleges, universities and research institutions on global issues such as climate change.
Professor Badie highly praised NJU's accomplishments in both education and academic research. He also highlighted that exchanges with Chinese universities are a focus for Sciences Po in expanding international collaboration. Professor Badie emphasized that mutual learning between cultures, along with cooperation and consensus within the international community, is vital in addressing global issues.
On the same day, Professor Badie delivered a lecture titled "A Subjective Approach to International Relations," which sparked hot discussions among attending faculty and students.

Writer: Jin Yue
Editor: Song Jiaxin